Technical Interaction Analysis Application Information

Technical Interaction Analysis Application Information for Wind Power Plants

Technical Interaction Analysis (TIA) has been carried out by the RAPSIM unit operating within TÜBİTAK BİLGEM since 2011. In accordance with protocols signed between the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey, the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces, the Ministry of the Interior, the National Intelligence Organization (MİT), the Energy Market Regulatory Authority, the State Airports Authority (DHMİ), TEİAŞ (Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation), and TÜBİTAK, the potential impacts of wind power plants on communication, navigation, and radar systems are examined. The analysis results are reported to the relevant institutions."

Technical Interaction Analysis (TIA) is conducted for licensed, unlicensed, or pre-licensed Wind Power Plant (WPP) Projects. Investors must complete TIA procedures by following the steps in the TIA Application Process listed below.

TIA reports are prepared in monthly packages. The preparation of TIA reports takes approximately 35 days. The monthly TIA report preparation process starts on the 15th of each month. For the WPPs included in the monthly package, the investor company must submit a confirmation letter stating that the information provided for TIA is final and the payment receipt for TIA by the 15th of the respective month to TÜBİTAK BİLGEM RAPSİM.

If deemed necessary by the State Airports Authority (DHMİ), the examination of the WPP Project within the DHMİ systems will require a new application, and thus, the TIA application flow will be applied again.

The information/documents requested during TIA applications:

  • For licensed or pre-licensed WPP applications, the pre-license/license document issued by EPDK (including all general and specific provisions)
  • For unlicensed WPP applications, the Technical Evaluation Report issued by YEGM
  • Number, power, producer information, brand, and model details of the wind turbines to be used
  • Coordinates of the WPP site (in ED50 and WGS84 formats)
  • Coordinates of the wind turbines (in ED50 and WGS84 formats)
  • Application letter
  • Investor contact information
  • Payment receipt

If the model information of the turbine to be used is not available on the RAPSİM website, model form must be filled out and approved by the turbine manufacturer, then submitted via email to rapsim.basvuru@tubitak.gov.tr

Technical Interaction Analysis Application Information for Solar Power Plant

Technical Interaction Analysis (TIA) is performed for Solar Power Plant (SPP) Projects.

Prior to the installation of SPPs in Turkey, the negative impacts that may arise from SPPs are analyzed through procedures in line with the guidelines implemented by the FAA.

With the software developed with domestic and national capabilities, high-resolution and high-speed calculations are carried out specifically for military/civil areas.

Within the scope of the TIA report, an analysis is performed for potential glare effects caused by Solar Energy Plant (SPP) along the route determined by the requesting institution."

The information/documents requested during TIA applications:

  • SPP Parameter Document
  • Application letter
  • Cover letter specifying the analysis need provided by the relevant institution
  • License/pre-license information of the SPP Project
  • Investor contact information
  • Payment receipt

Artificial Obstacle Technical Interaction Analysis Application Information

The Technical Interaction Analysis (TIA) is performed by examining the impact of artificial obstacles (antenna towers, buildings, chimneys, bridges, etc.) on systems such as radar, communication, and navigation."

The completion process of the TIA varies depending on the scope of the project, and the estimated TIA duration is communicated to the investor after the preliminary assessment.

The information/documents requested during TIA applications:

  • Application letter
  • Cover letter specifying the analysis need provided by the relevant institution
  • 3D CAD drawings of the planned structure
  • kmz/kml file defining the construction area
  • Investor contact information
  • Payment receipt
  • 3D CAD drawings of existing surrounding buildings in the construction area to be analyzed