
The Articles


Article Title: Maritime Automatic Target Recognition for Ground-based Scanning Radars by using Sequential Range Profiles

Authors: Baki Batı

Other Authors: Nevcihan Duru

Published Address: Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Volume 29, Number 2, 2021, pp.929-943


Article Title: Scattering from a Dielectric Cylinder Partially Buried in a Dielectric Half Space with a Periodic Height Profile by a Decomposition Method

Authors: Ugur Saynak

Other Authors: Ahmet Kizilay

Published Address: Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Volume 33, Number 8, May 24, 2019, pp.1014-1026


Article Title: A Statistical-based Examination on Wind Turbines' Bi-static Scatterings at 1 GHz Frequency

Authors: Ahmet Faruk Coskun

Other Authors: Osman Karabayır, Hüseyin Avni Serim

Published Address: Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Volume 32, Number 3, 2018, pp.347-362


Article Title: A statistical-based examination on wind turbines' bi-static scatterings at 1 GHz frequency

Authors: A. F. Coskun, O. Karabayir

Published Address: Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, DOI: 10.1080/09205071.2017.1391127, 2017.


Article Title: Investigation of wind farm effects on radar multiple target tracking

Authors: O. Karabayir, A. F. Coskun, O. M. Yucedag, S. M. Yucedag, H. A. Serim, S. Kent

Published Address: Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 232-250, 2016


Article Title:Wind farms' interference effects on the error performance of wireless line-of-sight communications using binary digital modulations

Authors: A. F. Coskun, S. M. Yucedag, O. Karabayir, O. M. Yucedag, H. A. Serim

Published Address: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 2786-2799, 2015.


Article Title: Wind turbine signal modeling approach for pulse Doppler radars and applications

Authors: O. Karabayir, S. M. Yucedag, A. F. Coskun, O. M. Yucedag, H. A. Serim, S. Kent

Published Address: IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 276-284, 2014


Article Title: Analytical method for monostatic radar cross section calculation of a perfectly conducting wind turbine model located over dielectric lossy half space

Authors: S. M. Yucedag, O. M. Yucedag, H. A. Serim

Published Address: IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 965-970, 2014.


Article Title: Preliminary set of analysis for the assessment of wind turbines which are in the line-of-sight of radar, navigation and communications systems

Authors: U. Saynak, Ş. Karahan, A. F. Coşkun, S. M. Yücedağ, S. Aldırmaz, O. Karabayır, ... , D. Bölükbaş,

Published Address: IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 415-424, 2014.

Conference Papers


Paper Title: Glare Effect Analysis in Solar Energy Panels

Author: Kartal, Mehmet Zahid 

Other Authors: Ergin Gökkaya, Sümeyye Taşkan, Uğur Saynak, Osman Karabayır, Sultan Aldırmaz Çolak

Published Address: IEEE 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, IEEE SİU 2023, July 05-08, 2023, Turkey


Paper Title: Investigation of the Effect of Artificial/Natural Obstructions on VOR System Performance Using Nvidia OptiX Library

Author: Mehmet Bıyık

Other Authors: Osman Karabayır, Uğur Saynak, Halit Öztekin

Published Address: IEEE 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, IEEE SİU 2022, May 15-18, 2022, Turkey


Paper Title: Performance of Alamouti Stbc-Noma Structure for Different Transmit Antenna Selection Criteria

Author: Zahid Kartal, Mehmet

Other Authors: Ahmet Faruk Coşkun, Veyis Solak, Hacı İlhan

Published Address:IEEE 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, IEEE SİU 2020, October 05-07, 2020, Turkey


Paper Title: Target Classification Using YOLOv2 in Land Deployed Maritime Surveillance Radar

Author: Alagoz, Yusuf

Other Authors: Osman Karabayır, Ahmet Fatih Mustaçoğlu

Published Address: IEEE 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, IEEE SİU 2020, October 05-07, 2020, Turkey


Paper Title: Practical Approaches to Assessing the Potential Interference Effects of 5G Base Stations on Radar Systems

Author: Coskun, Ahmet Faruk

Other Authors: Uğur Saynak, Baki Batı

Published Address: IEEE 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, IEEE SİU 2020, October 05-07, 2020, Turkey


Paper Title: Sequential Naval Target Range Profile Classification Using Special Fusion Method

Author: Baki Batı

Other Authors: Nevcihan Duru

Published Address: 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, UBMK 2019, 11-15 September 2019, Samsun, Turkey, pp. 475-477


Paper Title: Performance Analysis for Different Noise Removal Methods in Marine Target Classification

Author: Kartal, Mehmet Zahid

Other Authors: Osman Karabayır, Ahmet Serbes

Published Address:IEEE 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, IEEE SİU 2018, May 2-5, 2018, Izmir, Turkey


Paper Title: Investigating the Effect of Artificial/Natural Artifacts on the Performance of VOR Systems Using Physical Optics in CPU and GPU Environments

Author: Bıyık, Mehmet

Other Authors: Uğur Saynak, Metin Varan

Published Address: Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Biomedical Engineering, ELECO 2018, November 30-December 1, 2018, Bursa, Turkey, pp. 409-413


Paper Title: Convolutional neural networks-based ship target recognition using high resolution range profiles

Authors: O. Karabayır, O. M. Yücedağ, M. Z. Kartal, H. A. Serim

Published Address: Radar Symposium (IRS) 18th International, pp. 1-9, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2017.


Paper Title: Convolutional neural networks-based aerial target classification using micro-Doppler profiles.

Authors: O. Karabayır, M. Z. Kartal, O. M. Yücedağ

Published Address: Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pp. 1-4, Antalya, Turkey, May, 2017.


Paper Title: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imaging of Complex Scenes Considering Near-Field Scattering Characteristics

Authors: O. Karabayir, U. Saynak, A. F. Coskun, B. Bati, M. Biyik, O. Bati, ... , S. Kent

Published Address: EUSAR 2016: 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Proceedings of, pp. 1-4, Hamburg, Germany, June, 2016.


Paper Title: Micro-Doppler-based classification study on the detections of aerial targets and wind turbines

Authors: O. Karabayır, S. M. Yücedağ, O. M. Yücedağ, A. F. Coşkun, H. A. Serim

Published Address: Radar Symposium (IRS), 17th International, pp. 1-4, Krakow, Poland, May 2016.


Paper Title: Statistical modeling of wind turbines' bi-static free-space scattering characteristics for UHF-band applications

Authors: A. F. Coşkun, U. Saynak, O. Karabayır, M. Bıyık, B. Batı, O. Batı, H. A. Serim

Published Address: Microwave Symposium (MMS), 2015 IEEE 15th Mediterranean, pp. 1-4, Lecce, Italy, November 2015.


Paper Title: CLEAN based wind turbine clutter mitigation approach for pulse-Doppler radars

Authors: O. Karabayir, M. Unal, A. F. Coskun, S. M. Yucedag, U. Saynak, B. Bati, ..., S. Kent

Published Address: Radar Conference (RadarCon), pp. 1541-1544, Arlington, VA, USA, May 2015.


Paper Title: Radar cross section and Doppler Effects of wind turbines on SAR imaging

Authors: O. Karabayir, S. M. Yucedag, O. M. Yucedag, H. A. Serim, S. Kent

Published Address: EUSAR 2014; 10th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pp. 1-4, Berlin, Germany, June 2014.


Paper Title: Investigation of deteriorating effects of wind farms on SAR imaging

Authors: O. Karabayir, S. M. Yucedag, O. M. Yucedag, A. F. Coskun, H. A. Serim, S. Kent

Published Address: Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pp. 409-412, Trabzon, Turkey, April 2014.


Paper Title: Doppler effects of wind turbines

Authors: A. F. Coskun, O. Karabayir, H. A. Serim

Published Address: Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 8th International Conference on, pp. 301-305, Bursa, Turkey, November, 2013.


Paper Title: Radar cross section calculation of a wind turbine modeled by PEC canonical structures

Authors: O. M. Yucedag, S. M. Yucedag, H. A. Serim

Published Address: Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 2013 8th International Conference on, pp. 562-565, Bursa, Turkey, November 2013


Paper Title: Wind turbine effects on radar performance

Authors: S. Aldırmaz, U. Saynak, O. Karabayır, A. F. Coşkun, H. Serim, Ş. Karahan,..., D. Bölükbas

Published Address: Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pp. 1-4, Cyprus, Mersin, Turkey, April 2013.

The Theses


Thesis Title: Wind turbine effects on radar performance

Author: O. Karabayir

Published Address: Ph.D. Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, May 2016.

The Books


Book Title: Wind Turbine Effects on Radar Performance: Effect Analyses and Mitigation Approaches

Author: O. Karabayir

Published Address: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-3330035089, 2017.